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Inglourious Basterds (2-Disc Special Edition) [Blu-ray]

SKU: B002T9H2L0
Stock: 1000
Aspect Ratio: 2.40:1
Audience Rating: R (Restricted)
Binding: Blu-ray
EAN: 0025192015397
Format: Widescreen
MPN: 61108483
Original Release Date: 2009-01-01
Running Time: 153

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5 Review(s)
Brad Pitt takes no prisoners in Quentin Tarantino?s high-octane WWII revenge fantasy Inglourious Basterds. As war rages in Europe, a Nazi-scalping squad of American soldiers, known to their enemy as "The Basterds,? is on a daring mission to take down the leaders of the Third Reich. Bursting with "action, hair-trigger suspense and a machine-gun spray of killer dialogue? (Peter Travers, Rolling Stone), Inglourious Basterds is "another Tarantino masterpiece? (Jake Hamilton, CBS-TV)!
Chris May on 02/10/10 09:00pm
If you are starting a blu-ray collection, this is a must have. This looks and sounds excellent in HD. Also, it's a great movie. Like pulp fiction, you have to watch it more than once to truly see the beauty of the film. I'd recommend this to anyone who likes fine movies.
K. guerra on 02/09/10 09:00pm
Okay, let me just start off by saying that this film was absolutely incredible. The first time i watched this movie in my living room, I wanted to stand up and applaud when it finished.The cinematography is absolutely stunning. Each scene contains so much color and detail. Each character is so colorful and essential in this incredible story. Some scenes of the movie left me speechless, while others had me in tears laughing. There is some violence in this movie, but it's necessary to the story and not overblown like every other movie these days. Of course, this movie isn't for everyone, but if you appreciate the art of cinema, great screenwriting, and incredible acting; then i would recommend it. Inglourious Basterds tells such a strong and incredible story that if i had no background knowledge of the 1930's-40's/Holocaust era, I would have pegged it as non-fiction. If you are watching this movie hoping for a factual holocaust movie with brutal war scenes, an inspiring, hollywood-esque Brad Pitt film, or an incredibly violent and fast-paced action film filled with explosives, fast cars, and naked women- be prepared to be disappointed.
The Potbelly on 02/09/10 09:00pm
Colonel Landa has got to be the best movie villian since Chigur from No Country for Old Men. The movie does its job as a tribute to titles such as "The Dirty Dozen" and "Kelly's Heroes". It's a fun experience with great characters and Pitt pulls off the role as Aldo with great comic effect, it was a role out of his norm and one that should be saluted. Overall a fun movie that does a great job of creating tension when needed while mixing in humor appropriately. The dialogue is great as usual when it comes to a Tarantino movie and I can't understand anyone who would come away from this movie entertained so long as they take it for what it is...a fairy tale.
Texascat on 02/09/10 09:00pm
If you haven't seen this DVD you are missing out on one of the best DVD's of the decade! Might be too violent for some veiwers! Brad Pitt is great!
Joe Sixpack -- on 02/09/10 09:00pm
"Inglourious Basterds"Directed by Quentin Tarrantino(2009)----------------------------------------------In this delicious genre film, Quentin Tarrantino pays tribute to the classic war movies of the 1950s and '60s, made with the same grandiose aura of faux-epic presentation, draped over a palpably ridiculous plot. The film opens slowly, with Tarrantino employing great restraint and craftsmanship, using beautiful landscape cinematography and slow, deliberate pacing. The camera lingers on the brilliant Austrian actor Christoph Waltz (who steals the show: he was nominated for a "supporting actor" Oscar, but he is clearly the movie's real star, playing a vain, sadistic SS officer who loves elaborate cat-and-mouse games.)Tarrantino also uses misdirection in the film -- the Dirty Dozen-ish commando group of the film's title actually get little screen time, and are quickly decimated by their Nazi foes; Brad Pitt, the nominal star of the show, does very little onscreen and has few lines (although he looks a lot like Clark Gable, which is fun...) Also, despite the marketing campaign, there isn't that much graphic violence: again, this is probably a conscious homage to the war epics of the '60s, which featured a lot of set-up before their Rube Goldberg-like climaxes, where the grand plan unfolds. The ending, which is preposterous and ahistorical, is a real hoot, a gratifying anti-Nazi wish-fulfillment... Like the film itself, it's pure entertainment and fantasy. And why not? Isn't that what films are supposed to be about? This isn't immortal art, but it sure is a fun movie. If you grew up watching old war films on Saturday afternoons and afterschool TV blocks, then this flick is for you. Tarrantino really nailed it. (Joe Sixpack, Slipcue film reviews)

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