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Operating System Concepts

SKU: 0470128720
Stock: 1000
Author: Greg Gagne
Binding: Hardcover
EAN: 9780470128725
ISBN: 0470128720
Number Of Pages: 992
Publication Date: 2008-07-28

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5 Review(s)
Keep pace with the fast-developing world of operating systems Open-source operating systems, virtual machines, and clustered computing are among the leading fields of operating systems and networking that are rapidly changing. With substantial revisions and organizational changes, Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne’s Operating System Concepts, Eighth Edition remains as current and relevant as ever, helping you master the fundamental concepts of operating systems while preparing yourself for today’s emerging developments. As in the past, the text brings you up to speed on core knowledge and skills, including: What operating systems are, what they do, and how they are designed and constructed Process, memory, and storage management Protection and security Distributed systems Special-purpose systems Beyond the basics, the Eight Edition sports substantive revisions and organizational changes that clue you in to such cutting-edge developments as open-source operating systems, multi-core processors, clustered computers, virtual machines, transactional memory, NUMA, Solaris 10 memory management, Sun’s ZFS file system, and more. New to this edition is the use of a simulator to dynamically demonstrate several operating system topics. Best of all, a greatly enhanced WileyPlus, a multitude of new problems and programming exercises, and other enhancements to this edition all work together to prepare you enter the world of operating systems with confidence.
Barbie on 02/07/10 09:00pm
I really liked the book. I think is a pretty good book and it came in a great shape. however, I also consider its kind of expensive.
Javier Navarro on 02/01/10 09:00pm
I used this book on my OS class in my MS in CS. I remember that back in college, I took OS with an older version of the same book, but now my perspective change drastically.I you really want to take advantage of how an OS works and the techniques for managing resources and to apply this knowledge to your own programs, please read this book. If you like advanced topics such as multi-threading and multi-processing, it will help you to understand how the OS interacts with the user programs and how you can use different approaches such as thread kernel model, etc.
Jose Solano on 01/30/10 09:00pm
This book was exactly what I wanted and is in perfect condition. Also shipped within the shipping time given.
cash mash on 01/25/10 09:00pm
too much repeated and unhelpful words that kill lots of trees and time. just fail getting to the point in a neat way
book marker on 11/09/09 09:00pm
This book gives you the concept of the computer operating systems. If you feel you need learn some operating system knowledge becasue you are not from a computer science major, and you can't find a good book yet, I'm seriously recommending this book to you.

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