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The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference

SKU: 1586217453
Stock: 1000
Author: Malcolm Gladwell
Binding: Audio CD
EAN: 9781586217457
Format: Audiobook
ISBN: 1586217453
Publication Date: 2005-01-01

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5 Review(s)
THE TIPPING POINT is the biography of an idea, and the idea is quite simple. It is that many of the problems we face - from crime to teenage delinquency to traffic jams - behave like epidemics. They aren't linear phenomena in the sense that they steadily and predictably change according to the level of effort brought to bear against them. They are capable of sudden and dramatic changes in direction. Years of well-intentioned intervention may have no impact at all, yet the right intervention - at just the right time - can start a cascade of change. Many of the social ills that face us today, in other words, are as inherently volatile as the epidemics that periodically sweep through the human population: little things can cause them to 'tip' at any time and if we want to understand how to confront and solve them we have to understand what those 'Tipping Points' are. In this revolutionary new study, Malcolm Gladwell explores the ramifications of this. Not simply for politicians and policy-makers, his method provides a new way of viewing everyday experience and enables us to develop strategies for everything from raising a child to running a company.
PA2B on 02/08/10 09:00pm
It was a little confusing. I was asked to listen to it for work; I didn't really enjoy it. But someone who likes learning about marketing strategies would probably enjoy it.
G. Veit on 02/07/10 09:00pm
When is the last time you felt withdrawal when you put your book down. Malcolm Gladwell is a genius somewhere between science, psychology, literature and common sense. A wonderful book!
Sad Sam on 02/04/10 09:00pm
I would have liked to read The Tipping Point but the book never arrived in the mail.I am not ordering from Amazon in the future.
C. Goodwin on 01/31/10 09:00pm
This book runs all over the place. It seems like Mr. Gladwell did not have enough info to make a full-length book so he just kept going over the same suff. Thoughts come and go without warning. The book rambles and was overall boring. Read Freakonomics by Levitt instead of Tipping Point.
Ken Hassman on 01/30/10 09:00pm
In my opinion, this book suffers from the same "illness" as so many books that may have something useful and valid to say. Once a new point is made the supporting evidence/explanation goes on far too many pages to the point of distraction. I found myself constantly scanning forward to see when the next new point was going to made. If you read some of the intelligent, well-written reviews for this book on the 'net you actually will have the summation of the book and won't need to spend your money.

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